Little Rock Film Festival-Argenta Film Series

By Little Rock Film Festival (other events)

Friday, October 7 2011 7:00 PM 10:00 PM CST
Marathon Boy: (October 7) ACT 7pm

The Little Rock Film Festival is proud to present as our second movie in the Argenta Film Series "Marathon Boy".

A Tribeca Film Festival official selection from HBO Documentary FIlms, MARATHON BOY is the story of a four-year-old boy who is plucked from the slums of India by his coach and trained to become India's greatest runner, but what starts as a real Slumdog Millionaire turns into the stuff of film noir: a tale of greed, envy and broken dreams.

Director Gemma Atwal will in Little Rock from London to discuss the film.

"An Unforgettable Documentary....Rivals any Dramatic Thriller" Hollywood Reporter

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217 W. 2nd Street, Suite 201 Little Rock, AR 72201